Saturday, January 28, 2012

Happy New Year!

We are refreshed after a wonderful winter break and and picking up just where we left off.  As if it has been such a terrible winter...Lucky for us, no snow and mild weather means LOTS of outdoor recess.  Everyone wins  when that happens.  While it has been mild, it is still Winter.  Please be sure that the kids are prepared for outdoors with appropriate gear like a heavy winter coat with a hood or hat.

Officer Schippiletti, Burlington's traffic safety of made his annual visit to our school to talk about bus and road safety.  The kids had a chance to practice exiting the bus from the back.

Grade one has been working on a unit about the Earth in the Solar System.

Grade Two has been learning about Martin Luther King Jr. and Amphibians.

Coming up soon:
Grade 1 Trip to Planetarium
100th day of school
Grade 2 Trip to Berklee
February Vacation

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

October, 2011

The transition back to school has been remarkable. I am so pleased with how hard all of the kids have been working this year. I truly believe that they are the hardest working kids in the school. We have also been lucky enough to have some field trip experience as fun an educational payoff for what we have learned so far. Here is what we have been up to:

We all were part of the celebration of Mr. Papadonis' career at the Science Center and were entertained by his Science Magic Show. We got to meet a new hero/scientist, Mr. Musselman to the district, joined by Ms. Pavlicek a veteran to the Science Center Staff.

First Grade
Thank you, Ms. Baia and Welcome, Ms. Dooley! We have been so lucky to have the leadership and love of Ms. Baia to start our year on the right foot. While we will miss seeing her every day, we know that there is a good chance we will see her still as a substitute teacher in the building. We welcome Ms. Dooley back from maternity leave and are glad to get to know her a little more each day.

We had our first field trip to Davis Farmland in Sterling, MA. What a great day! The weather cooperated and we got to see, pet, and feed many different animals.

Alex's mom came to our class to talk about dental hygiene and gave us a useful goodie bag. Thank you for coming Dr. Shirazi!

Second Grade
We have been very busy learning in second grade. Ms. Pavlicek came to our school for our "Tree Walk". We had a BLAST at the Discovery Museum on Wednesday.

October 31: Halloween Parade starts at 1:45 for Grades 1-5 in the Gym. You are welcome to visit and watch! If you anticipate your child having a difficult time with this event, please let us know.
November 9, 5pm–9pm: Fall Marketplace
November 10: NO SCHOOL. Teachers will be in school.
November 11: NO SCHOOL. Thank a veteran.
November 15, 9am: Parent Coffee, 10am Confidentiality/Volunteer Meeting You must attend this meeting if you plan on volunteering or being a chaperone at all this year.

Thank you for putting in so much effort on homework at home. Please be sure to return the packets or assignments when they are due. In addition, any reading your children do with you benefits them greatly. Please read at minimum 20 minutes each day.

Have a great November!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Welcome Back! September, 2011.

Labor Day weekend marks the end of summer and the start of school. While I hope it was a relaxing and enjoyable one, I really hope some of it was spent reading.
It was very nice to see many of you on Friday. I feel strongly that these visits before school starts can aleviate some of the anxiety students might be feeling about the first day. Hopefully they can chat with you about any thoughts or concerns they have about this year. Rest assured we will be there to support them.
As far as support goes for this year, I would like to share that we will have Ms. Gilbert, Ms. Gillis, and Mrs. Stromski working in 104. They were thrilled to have met some of you on Friday as well. We can't wait to see the kids on Wednesday!
As a reminder, our email service provider has switched so emails will now end in, so feel free to contact me at